Welcome to INET

Broadcasting for the 21st centry

INET, or the Internet Entertainment News and Entertainment Television network, is a video service dedicated to the production of entertaining and informative video content. We primarily upload our content to YouTube but use a variety of other platforms as well.

Check out our Uploads section for more on our videos!

Uploads and Programs

About INET

INET, or the Internet News and Entertainment Television Network, is an Internet news and information service founded by Christopher Munz-Michielin in 2006. The organization started with Christopher, and friend Kyle, producing "news-style" videos of events in their hometown of Victoria, Canada. The organization has since expanded to include saterical news, technology how-to's and gaming footage. While Kyle is no longer active in INET, Christopher is still an active participant in the organization.

If you have any video ideas, suggestions or criticisms we would love hear from you! Please use one of the following methods of contacting us: